Welcome to NXT Ninja

NXT Ninja is a collection of essential tools for Business NXT consultants. This includes tools for copying layouts between customers, sharing layouts publicly, a visual forms editor, and an editor for calculated columns.

NXT Ninja

All use of these tools are at your own risk, and we take no liability for any damage caused by using them.

News and updates

Alternative PDF Printer

2024-06-25 - Ole

We have created an alternative PDF Printer for order documents. This supports landscape mode, multiple images, inserting QR codes and Code39/128 barcodes, and sends out documents using Postmark instead of using SMTP. Please let us know if you want to try it out, as we need pilots!

Forms editor is GA and calculated columns

2024-06-19 - Ole
The Forms Editor is now generally available, and we have added support for editing Calculated Columns.

Also note that NXT Ninja will becoming a paid service soon.

Forms Editor

2024-06-12 - Ole
Check out the new Forms Editor. Send me an email if you want more than read-access.

Visma Business Import Format support

2024-05-02 - Ole
NXT Import Filter now supports the classic Visma Business Import format.

NXT Import Filter is released!

2024-04-26 - Ole
Check out NXT Import Filter. It's simply the best way to import data into Business NXT.

Copy paste in Window Editor

2024-04-25 - Ole
You can now copy and paste elements between layouts in the Window Editor, and duplicate tabs.

Layout Library

2024-04-20 - Ole
Check out the new Layout Library.

Check out some of our other services

NXT TriggersThe replacement for SQL triggers for Business NXT. Automate your heart out using Typescript, without thinking about hosting and scaling.NXT ReportReporting for Business NXT in Excel or Power BI with AI assisted query generationNXT Import FilterImport data from CSV and Excel to Business NXT, with custom mappings and transformationsLETT for Business NXTSimplified and mobile friendly interface for Business NXT